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How can Homeopathy help you?


Homeopathy can treat a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional conditions and ailments, including...

  • Anxiety/Stress/Grief

  • Arthritis

  • Insomnia

  • Allergies

  • Asthma

  • Eczema

  • Migraines

  • P.M.T./ Menopausal symptoms

How Does Homeopathy Work?

It works by stimulating the body to heal itself. 

Remedies are derived mainly from plants and minerals, and are prescribed in a dilluted form. Homeopathic medicine works on the basis of 'like cures like', and it is the job of the Homeopath to find the right stimulus in the form of a liquid or tablet that matches the symptoms of the patient. 

The trouble most of us have is that we find it too easy to hand over our disease to someone else to take responsibility for; and I believe this is often the wrong approach. Of course, we need certain health professionals out there to help us heal our bodies and our minds by offering us the advice we need and pointing us in the right direction, but it doesn't stop there, we have to be actively involved in our own health as well.


Of course, I'm certainly not suggesting you should ever ignore or refrain from seeing your GP in cases of emergency, but what I am suggesting is that everyone has to play the pivotal role in their own healing process.

Homeopathy, therefore, is a

                       whole new way of looking at dis-ease.

Homeopatic treatment strives to get to the core of the problem, rather than simply covering it up with suppressive antidepressants or steroids for instance, which have to be increased in dose and duration as the patient becomes immune to their efficacy.

Homeopathy can be used to relieve long-term illness or problems like anxiety and grief, acutely for sudden onset of symptoms like influenza, chicken pox, or ear infections, and also therapeutically for long-term healing such as broken bones, multiple injuries due to an accident or major operations.

Homeopathic remedies can very often be combined in a mixture to heal muscles, bones, ligaments and soft tissue, and reduce swelling and bruising; aiding faster recovery

With a combination of rest, lots of fluids, balanced diet and homeopathy, recovery will often be rapid, and most importantly, natural and sustained!

Homeopathy in practice

The main issue?...

 ... Most people do not make the connection between an emotional upset and a physical complaint.

For example; let's say an individual has been suffering from breathing difficulties since the death of a loved one ten years ago. The individual finds it difficult to get a full breath, experiences a blocked feeling in the throat, and has to use inhalers for relief, but they may not necessarily link the physical discomfort to the emotional feelings since their loss.


For a Homeopath however, this link would be abundantly apparent. This physical discomfort when breathing is very likely the negative impact of never fully expressing, or even completely repressing, their grief, which over time has allowed the symptoms to manifest in a physical place, the throat ('the seat of expression') and the lungs ('the seat of emotions unexpressed').

As a homeopath I would be looking for a remedy that fits the individual symptom picture, i.e. breathing problems and throat problems with unexpressed or suppressed grief. In this case the remedies may include Natrum Muriaticum, Ignatia and Thymus Gland, all of which help to release grief, therefore releasing the physical symptoms. 

This is how Homeopathy works in practice.


If you feel you yourself could benefit from a Homeopathic approach to a physical or emotional discomfort or illness, just click on the button to the right of the page to contact Jane and start your journey to reclaiming control of your own healing.


“I was skeptical about complementary therapies, and had never tried homeopathic remedies before. But after consulting Jane and feeling the benefits of her treatment,

I would honestly recommend opening your mind to something new.”

Lisa Coleman, Lancaster

Homeopathy at a glance...

A special preparation process called potentisation refines the medicines to remove any toxic effects.

Suitable for all ages and for all conditions or diseases.

(Special care must be taken with any medication during pregnancy, please do mention this in your consultations)

Works by stimulating the body's own natural defence mechanism.

Remedies are given either as small pleasant tasting tablets which dissolve in the mouth, or in liquid form. 

A homeopathic remedy actually costs less than the current NHS prescription and can be kept for later use.

A small box of remedies and simple instruction manual will deal with most routine problems - such as bruises, burns, sprains, insect bites and gastric upsets - in the home or workplace.

All remedies are tested on healthy humans. The symptoms that a remedy causes in a healthy person, are exactly those that can be cured in a person who is unwell and suffering from those symptoms.

Consultation fees for a homeopath are considerably less than private conventional medicine.

By boosting the body's own defence system, homeopathy can help heighten resistance to colds, flu and other recurring infections.

The homeopath considers the whole person and will ask not only about the symptoms which are bothering an individual, but how they react to the condition, as well as wanting to know about general health and lifestyle.

'The Facts' courtesy of The HMA

To find out more visit 

"It really works, and is natural too! No drugs! I used to get migraines, two a week, but not any more since seeing Jane. Homeopathy can help with anything, even things like ADHD, with no need for drugs.

Please give Jane a try. She is professional, kind, caring, and everything is confidential."

Jacquie Fowler, Malton

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